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Смотрите французское кино онлайн

опубликовал | 15 января 2011

Валерий Кичин | - просмотров (107) - комментариев (0) -

В Интернете начался фестиваль французских фильмов, организованный Unifrance, он продлится по 29 января. Пользователи могут выбирать субтитры на многих языках мира, включая русский, и голосовать, выставляя каждой картине свою оценку. На основании этого голосования вручат призы:

– приз публики,

– приз международного сообщества блогеров,

– приз международной прессы.

В конкурсе участвуют 10 игровых и 10 документальных фильмов, вне конкурса - классический фильм Жана Ренуара “Французский канкан” (1955).

Русскоязычный сайт фестиваля: http://www.myfrenchfilmfestival.com/ru/

Конкурсные фильмы:

• Adieu Gary by Nassim Amaouche with Jean-Pierre Bacri
In a working class city, abandoned by most of its population, some inhabitants stay in spite of everything because they were born and grew up there: Francis, Samir and Sarah (who believes that Gary Cooper is her father and is waiting for him).
• Bus Palladium. by Christopher Thompson with Marc-André Grondin.
A rock’n roll band, a group of friends who have met with success, and a girl who will disrupt it all.
• Complices by Frédéric Mermoud with Gilbert Melki and Emmanuelle Devos
Two police detectives are investigating the disappearance of a teenage couple and find themselves confronted with the problems in their own lives.
• Espion(s) by Nicolas Saada with Guillaume Canet and Géraldine Pailhas
A young baggage handler is hired as spy by the French counter-intelligence agency after being involved in spite of himself in an affair involving the explosion of a diplomatic pouch in an airport.
• La Famille Wolberg by Axelle Ropert with François Damiens
Simon Wolberg is the mayor of a small provincial town, loving husband, overbearing father and provocative son. The film recounts the escapades of this man obsessed with his family.
• L’Autre by Patrick Mario Bernard and Pierre Tridivic with Dominique Blanc
Anne-Marie leaves Alex when she realizes they no longer have the same aspirations: he wants to settle down, she wants to keep her freedom. But when Alex finds a new mistress, Anne-Marie becomes crazy with jealousy.
• Le Bal des actrices by Maïwenn with Karin Viard and Charlotte Rampling
A director is shooting a documentary film on actresses. She shows all their personalities: manipulative, fragile, lying, moving, etc. But she quickly gets involved in their little games, for better or worse.
• Qu’un seul tienne et les autres suivront by Léa Fehner with Pauline Etienne and Reda Kateb
Three people are brought together by chance in a prison visiting room: Stéphane who was just offered the deal of his life, Zorah who is trying to deal with her son’s death, and Laure, who has fallen in love for the first time with a convict.
• Tête de Turc by Pascal Elbé with Roschdy Zem and Ronit Elkabetz
A teenager of 14, an emergency doctor, a cop looking for revenge, a mother fighting for her family, a man crushed by his wife’s death see their destinies linked after an accident.
• Tout ce qui brille by Géraldine Nakache and Hervé Mimran with Leïla Bekhti
Ely and Lila are childhood friends living in the Paris suburbs. They dream of entering a world they don’t belong to, where everything seems to shine like gold.
Конкурсные документальные фильмы:

• Babel by Hendrick Dusollier
• Cabossés by Louise Prémonville
• Chienne d’histoire by Serge Avédikian
• C’est gratuit pour les filles by Claire Burger and Marie Amachoukeli
• ¿Dónde está Kim Basinger? by Edouard Deluc
• En attendant que la pluie cesse by Charlotte Joulia
• L’Homme à la Gordini by Jean-Christophe Lie
• Mémoire d’une jeune fille dérangée by Keren Marciano
• Petit dragon by Bruno Collet
• Une pute et un poussin by Clément Michel

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